Eversince the advent of picture editing softwares,
gifs had been the "youtube" so to
speak of the said equation. It provided the illusion of motion despite the lack of sounds
and the fluidity of an actual video.It is on simpler terms, a LOOPED FOOTAGE.
It had graced various websites and quirky forwarded e-mails...
We'd love to stay and provide a comprehensive history about the matter,
TODAY is a MONDAY, thus we celebrate OLIVIA MUNN MUNNDAYS (redundant!)
Well,who is OLIVIA MUNN on the first place?
well,that's WHO!And now you know....thanks to US.S.!
And since one of our older post garnered such great pageviews,
(Here is a summary of the video,just in case you were too lazy to watch the whole thing!)
we had decided to replicate the same effort with this current entry.
Pretty clever, huh?
And now we're about to tie the first topic with the second one with a bunch
of gifs we found on the interweb. @ GifFlix,Ranker and other forum sites.
So without further ado,
WE present to YOU,
and last but not the least, THIS ONE!
and as an added bonus.Here's a couple more from our good friends at PeTA,