
Tekken Aback by 7 Steps

The roster is evidently fewer and smaller when compared to Tekken 6.
And some of the newer characters weren't really all that fun to use either.
And where's my Mokujin?
Some of the guest characters are either way too powerful or not suited for a Tekken game.
And do you like unskippable cutscenes
We sure as hell don't!

And correct us if we're wrong but this is probably the very first Tekken game with a very noticeable loading screen.
We've always been impressed with the Tekken games even during the PS1 era as they would inexplicably be able to hide loading screens and load most of the game's data while you're playing. Making the matches fast-paced as they are enjoyable.

But we must admit the skin and cloth textures in the game do look absolutely amazing.
THE BEST (if we must say so ourselves)in the rich history of the said franchise.
The storyline gets fleshed out even further in this 7th installment.
And awesome scenes like THESE are always worth your while.
And we're sure as glad there is the return of the classic Tekken Bowl mode.
All in all, it's a mixed bag of both the good and the bad.
But don't take our word for it, 

Fancy Schmancy Pukes


Very British...

Extremely British....




or as the kids would like to say it: "Believe it!"