Just Tiis Liga

Teaser Images:
Movie Synopsis:

Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman’s selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to find and recruit a team of metahumans to stand against this newly awakened threat. But despite the formation of this unprecedented league of heroes—Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flash—it may already be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions.

Justice League will be directed by Zack Snyder and is set to open worldwide on November 17, 2017

Movie Poster:
Official Trailer:

Up In The Ass

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Geist In A Nutshell


Reporting for duty!

Tekken By Cars

Why is THIS:

so much better than THIS:

This just goes to show you that anything labeled as "Fan-Made" doesn't automatically mean that they are any less better than their official releases. But then again, this might be one of those rare Youtube videos that actually delivers. In a sea filled with YTP and so called "YouTube celebrities" and all.

Smashing Mouthkins

You wanted more Smash Mouth related videos?
Well, we got you covered, homes!

And you're welcome!!!!


The Mighty Ragnawreck

And no, this post is NOT about the MMORPG from the early 2000's.
Nor is this a unnecessary rant about Thor's new hairdo.
Which he totally stole from Kevin Owens, btw!
Now on to the topic at hand.
Ahh,there you go!
But honestly speaking, they should've went with this look instead.
Ah well...that's that, I guess?

Jojo Armani

No animals were hurt during the filming of this movie, but the same couldn't be said about the numerous gels and hairsprays utilized on this trailer alone.

All of which would be excellent research material on the event that they do make a live action version of Yugi-Oh!
The first one at least and not all those other ones that came after it!

Two Timers

Comic Yondu, bb Groot, Drax and Kurt Russel as a frikk'n living planet!
Seriously man, I can't stress this enough but GOTG Vol. 2 is DEFINITELY gonna kick all sorts of ass the very week it hits theaters nationwide.

2 Dead 2 Ferris

Hmmmm, Cable!
Well, I seriously hope it's Ron Perlman!

It's either him or no one else!

Order Of The Phoenix

Since they can't and probably WON'T induct Chyna, they might as well induct SOMEONE that kinda resembles the 9th Wonder Of The World. Same gimmick and same accomplishments and all.
What an excellent way to rub it in, you guys!
Wow, WWE!
Just, WOW!

And at the very least, please let this man do the honors.
That's the least you could do, Trips!


One Day Isang Drowing

Never in my wildest imagination would I have ever thought of receiving a full body sketch from one of my childhood heroes, Elmer Damaso.
Yes, Sir Memer (aka I.Q.40 on Deviantart) of Culture Crash and K-Zone fame!

And it even contained a sweet little dedication for lil' ol' me.
All of which a younger version of myself would've died for.
I guess being part of the komiks community/convention scene has it's pros and cons but meeting your heroes and bridging the gap between dream and reality is definitely a pro on our book.

Also worth pointing out is that the "Art Noob" salutation header was done in jest and was specifically requested by us.
Sir Memer had nothing to do with it and in NO way a dismissive remark from the veteran artist.
We simply wanted to make this sketch meaningful and be more memorable (as it should be!) to us in the process. This was a monumental-once in a lifetime thing hence the only way to immortalize the moment was to let someone we idolize address our artistic incompetencies. Which Sir Memer happily obliged hence we wouldn't have had this wonderful sketch/story to blog about.

This truly was, both a humbling and a deeply inspirational moment in SSM! history.
This defining artifact would be displayed alongside the Berlin Manalaysay artwork,
and our very first Bra Money.
We're already planning in advanced because that's how much we treasure these SSM! related memorabilias!