
Saberday Night Slam

List of Participants:
Step by step walkthrough/guide/main reasons to be there:
1. Our Booth. (Op korz! Kelangan pa bang i-memorize yan? Bisyo na to!)
2. Sir Berlin Manalaysay's booth.
3. Artline's booth.
Pieces to be sold:
So yun na, kita-kits mga kapatid!

Home Of The Aged

Just a collection of X-men : Apocalypse pics courtesy of Entertainment Weekly.
And YAY for "meh, pwede na/semi-passable!" Mohawk Storm.
Double YAY for Olivia Munn as Psylocke!
And what's this? A leaked trailer from SDCC!
We're kidding!!!
Here's the REEL deal, fine folks of the interwebs....
Watch it before it gets taken down and shit....
That's that and you're welcome!


May Kanin

Here comes a bunch of new challengers!
LOL,Berserker Barrage!


Funky Fresh

Hippity-hop & Hoppity-hip happenings courtesy of the world wide web!
And now it's time to forget about "THE HUSTLE"
'Cuz it's time for the "SEX OFFENDER SHUFFLE"!


GV-GV Lang

Top 10 Gifs to make you smile/chuckle/brighten your day.
1. Seth Rollins.
2. Tina Belcher.
3. Whack-A-Kitty.
4. Surprise Buttsecks Special.
5. Christian Bale& Kermit The Frog.
6. Puppies.
7. Pierce Brosnan and his Nintendo DS.
8. Dragon Ball without the Z.
9. Tom Hanks.
10. and last but not the least, GIRLS
Now wasn't that fun?
So go ahead and enjoy the rest of the day/evening, cuz ROBOCOP said so!


Suicide Solution


it's that clown dude from dem PRODIGY music videos....
Oh, wait! It's just Jared Leto!

Bruce Almighty

Still EVIL
Still DEAD!


Porn This Way

Some porn parodies prides itself with witty lines and funny dialogues,
Some have killer soundtracks or a bitch'n theme song,
This particular parody manages to have both!

War Trophies

We've been meaning to write this sooner but we've just been really REALLY busy.
But anyways, here were some of the best HITS and MISSES in SSM! history.
Feb 14, 2015
The online release of Ryu X Chun-Li : The Heart Of Battle book.
Facebook Announcement: https://www.facebook.com/161666594033424/posts/343553492511399/
 Our work could be found at the appendixes. The first of the three galleries, at least.:

April 2, 2015
Won the GRAND PRIZE at DBZ Elsewhere Contest that was held at DeviantArt.
Won the said contest with this entry right here:
 Facebook Announcement: https://www.facebook.com/161666594033424/posts/398733840326697/
Additional Photos:

June 15, 2015
The nationwide release of Stupid Is Forevermore.
Facebook Announcement: https://www.facebook.com/161666594033424/posts/398735946993153/
Other than the CANCER inducing erratum,
that left us feeling 1-2-3ed!
Nope, not like that!
Go on....
There you go!
It was still a very awesome book and dare I say a worthy successor of the best selling first one!

 June 26,2015
 The international release of Yuyu Hakusho : The Detective Files Artbook by Ashlyn Larmeu.
 This was a particularly memorable project for SSM! for this would be the first (and hopefully not the last) time that two SSM! members would be featured in the same book.
With 1 being Dark Chapel,
& 2 being Jojo Lopez.
 With our entries being BUI
 The book's dimension were that of the standard 8.5 x 5.5 sized book.
In perfect binding with metallic foil stamping on it's glossy cover.
Hi, Pat! Thanks sa comparative study.
50++ pages.
The book itself is a bit smaller and thinner than the official artbook.
Both both books boast it's collection of both colored and B/W illustrations.
The book we were a part of  were divided in to several chapters, all of which were faithful to the series' main story arcs. That being the:
the last part was then dedicated to B/W sketches aptly entitled:
The book ends classily with a "tramp stamp" on it's butt.
Current projects:
Tang-Ama for Brgy Bakbakan.
Binge-read it over at:
EP1: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.845143082222902&type=1
EP 2: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.866586703411873&type=1
EP3: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.897548106982399&type=1
Neoteny with Noel Pascual.
Read it @:
or at 

Future projects:
Hopefully with YOU!
Whoever you are, as long as the price is right!
We'd happily do it for free. Even if it isn't very practical to begin with but we could most certainly work something out.

and there you have it folks, that had been our artistic career in a nutshell.
Immortalized in these six books in front of you. 
 It has been our humble contribution to society/ komiks community and to the art world in general.
Others might claim THIS and THAT but are merely preaching empty words, having their brain cells fried by the SUMMER sun, CRIPPLED in a chair and are obviously  GENERATIONS behind in terms of critical thinking and overall competitiveness for our said industry. Modern WARFARE had finally reached it's peak and there simply is no room for bad DESIGNS and BATMANS but there is one for CODENAMES.
Hence it is Dark Chapel's fervent desire to drop all other MC's like a sack of potatoes.
Leaving naysayers worshiping the ground he walks upon.

Again, this is not bragging if you could ACTUALLY back it up!
Feel free to stalk him at Deviantart:
You might learn something, JUNIOR!